Wedding Harpist – behind the scenes

A wedding harpist does a whole lot more than just put on a pretty dress and play music for weddings on Saturdays. I thought I’d use this blog post to give you an insight into what has been going on recently.

I’m at a very unique place in my life at the moment. I have my gorgeous 4-month-old daughter to look after, which means I’m on maternity leave from my ‘day job’. I’ve been working in a field totally unrelated to music since the pandemic – just a few days a week. It was so scary losing all my income during Covid that I promised myself I would never be so vulnerable again.

Now that my baby is out of the newborn phase I’m able to focus more on building my business. I’m recovered from my Caesarean section and able to move my harp around again. If you’ve read my previous blog posts you’ll know that I’ve played a few gigs since having Sophie, and more enquiries are coming in all the time.

A Wedding Harpist Juggling Act

On Mondays and Tuesdays I have childcare (thanks Nana), so that is when I see my students. During the rest of the week it’s still a juggling act. I’m learning as much as I can about marketing, branding and business so I can try and reach more people. I’m finding pockets of time to practice and learn new music for my brides (thanks to my lovely husband and I working together to carve out time for the things we need to do). There are emails to answer and enquiries to respond to. I’m sending contracts and invoices and keeping my finances in order. Oh and there’s the small matter of staying on top of housework and cleaning too.

Once we get to the weekend I’ll either have a wedding, or if not, Tim and I will have some quality family time with Sophie. We’ll try and find some time to rest – not easy with a baby in the picture!

However, on some days, my baby requires my attention pretty much non-stop. I’m aware that I’ll never get this time back with her when she’s this little, so at the end of the day, she is my priority. Anything else that gets done is a bonus. I’m doing all of this so ultimately I’ll be able to be home with her more. She is my motivation.

Angelina cuddles her baby after getting home from a gig

If you’d like to send me an enquiry about being your wedding harpist, click here.

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